Batroun Villages

A town in the higtland of Batroun area, 35 km distant from the City. It has an altitude of 1150 meters. It can be reached from Batroun via Ijdabra, Bejdarfel, Kour valley, Sourat, Rachkedde, Helta, Dael and Kfarhelda.
One can find St-Simon the Stylite’s parish church (Mar Semaan Al-Amoodi, 1960) which was built at the site of an older church dating back to 1500. One can also find the Assistance Lady’s Church (Saydet Al-Maounate, 1880) and the Salvation Lady’s Church (Saydet An-Najat, 1910) within “Bassa” Monastery. In addition, there is the Miraculous Fortress Lady’s Church (Saydet Al-Kala’a), built on an elevated place between Hardine and Kfour El Arbi. It was an old temple inside a grotto, part of which natural and another part sculpted bu hand. This church is surrounded with old ruins. In the mountain one can visit St-George’s Church (Mar Gerges) and a number of tombs and rocky sarcophagi.
To the southern part of the town a gorgeous pine forest overlooks the valley of the “Al-Jawz” River.