Batroun Villages

A village in the highland of Batroun District, 30 km distant from the City. Its altitude is 1350 m. oone can reach it from Batroun via Edde, Jran, Deria, Toula, Douq, Mar Mema and Mayfouk; or via Ijdabra, Bejdarfel, Kfifane, deria, Toula, Douq, Mar Mema and Mayfouk.
It has St-Artemius’ parish church (Mar Shallita) and vestiges from the cross church (kanisat A-Saleeb) that dates back to St-Helen’s days. This latter has mosaic buried underground.
In addition, one can find sarcophagi with coverings that were used as house thresholds and a lot of rocky wells.